Tonight at 5:21 PM, the sun will set here in Eilat on the Red Sea in Israel. We will light shabat candles with our portable, traveling candleholders (Todah Rabah, Ricky!) in our airbnb.com garden. We wish my son Jacob could be with us tonight, especially as it is 87 degrees F. here while he awakens in -24 degree weather in Upstate NY. However, he plans to travel here next Winter with Birthright Israel.

We are so excited to share the sabbath with an entire nation. We are grateful to be here, embracing peaceful coexistence with our neighbors. We hope you all enjoy a warm and restful Shabat with your loved ones. L’Chaim!
Shabbat shalom v’metuka (peaceful and sweet)!
And Peace and Joy to you both, my brother & sister friends. My thoughts are with you. Lizi